marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Without Fault Divorce In New York

NY The new marriage laws also examined the process of awarding temporary maintenance (alimony), while in New York divorce is in progress. This revision includes a formula and the list of factors to these awards, which allow the quick resolution of food (alimony) problem, and prevent the spouses are divorced from less wealthy in New York in the fall poverty when litigation.

New York is the state of the last fifty to adopt the "no-fault divorce" a major reform of divorce laws in New York. Under the new law of liability without fault, a spouse who files for divorce in New York does longer have to demand basic reasons for divorce, a rule that had prolonged and aggravated the painful divorce process.

The new laws also created a presumption that a less wealthy spouse in a divorce case New York is entitled to payment of attorney fees divorce legal fees. Under current law, a spouse who can not afford legal representation in a divorce filing an application to court for charges at the end of the process. This can force a poor husband to proceed without counsel, or waive important rights due to lack of resources.

On July 1, 2010, the project was approved by the Assembly in New York. Became law Aug. 15 by Gov. Paterson. The measure is expected to enter into force 60 days from that date and affecting all divorces filed since that date. After signing the bill, Governor Paterson said the new laws, "fix a broken process that produces widespread and contentious conflicts (and) poisonous feelings between the parties ..."

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