joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Residency Requirements And Grounds For Divorce In Alabama

Either you or your spouse must be a resident of Alabama for at least six months to file for divorce. If your spouse does not live in the state, you can still file as long as you have resided for six months.

The divorce case begins with an invitation or a court. You can file in the county in which:

The defendant is domiciled

You and your spouse lived in separate

When the plaintiff resides, if your spouse is not a resident of Alabama

Grounds for divorce or base include:

Physical loss of time of the marriage and incurable


voluntary abandonment for one year

Two years imprisonment

Crime against nature

Addiction or alcoholism

complete incompatibility of temperament

Confinement in a psychiatric hospital for five years without hope of recovery

Marital dissolution of marriage

If the woman was pregnant at marriage without husband's knowledge

Physical abuse

Living separate and apart for two years without support

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